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Universidade Federal do Ceará
PRPPG/UFC – Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação da Universidade Federal do Ceará

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Graduate at UFC

Universidade Federal do Ceará offers graduate courses in different areas of knowledge, installed on 3 campuses: Pici, Benfica and Porangabussu. The Provost Office of Research and Graduate Studies currently offers lato sensu graduate degrees; professional master degrees; master degrees and doctorate degrees. While encouraging its teaching staff the attainment of graduation degrees, aiming at academic and scientific quality, UFC contributes with these courses for the improvement of professional staff who will provide services to community in many different activities, or even join other universities.

  • Professional Masters Degree

The professional degrees focus on studies and techniques to meet the demands for niches not yet covered by academic masters. Consonant with the high standard of graduate stricto sensu as well, they increase the interface with non-academic sectors of society by training citizens for the exercise of professions other than the academic researcher.

  • Academic Masters Degree

The academic masters degrees aim at meeting the demands designed to consolidate academic trajectory with a view to teaching, researching and scientific, technological, artistic and cultural development, focusing on high qualification.

  • Doctorate Degree

A Doctorate degree aims at training autonomous and inventive researchers able to develop scientific high-level research in the areas of knowledge.

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