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Universidade Federal do Ceará
PRPPG/UFC – Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação da Universidade Federal do Ceará

Área do conteúdo

Graduate Studies

There are over 7,000 students enrolled in graduate courses at UFC with the objective to enrich the experience acquired during the first stage of their academic journey.

UFC holds:

  • 58 lato sensu graduate degree courses;
  • 9 professional master degrees;
  • 49 master degree courses;
  • 40 doctorate degree courses.

Number of graduate students enrolled

Master and Professional Master Degree

College of Sciences 652
College of Agronomy 355
College of Humanties 292
College of Technology 491
College of Education 205
College of Law 68
College of Economics, Management, Actuarial Science and Accountancy 445
College of Pharmacology, Dentistry and Nursing 177
College of Medicine 427
College of Culture and Arts 90
College of Marine Sciences 53
Cariri Campus 38
Sobral Campus 86
Provost Office of Research and Graduate Studies 361
Total geral 3.616

Doctorate Degree

College of Sciences 592
College of Agronomy 215
College of Humanities 202
College of Technology 297
College of Education 253
College of Law 8
College of Economics, Management, Actuarial Science and Accountancy 48
College of Pharmacology, Dentistry and Nursing 145
College of Medicine 277
College of Marine Sciences 82
Provost Office of Research and Graduation Studies 35
Total geral

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