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Portal da UFC Acesso a informação da UFC Ouvidoria Content available in:PortuguêsEnglishEspañol

Universidade Federal do Ceará
PRPPG/UFC – Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação da Universidade Federal do Ceará

Área do conteúdo

Project 1. Internationalization of UFC in translational and epidemiological research on neuro-gastroenterology

The topics covered here involve approaches that allow, for example, the identification of infectious agents that affect the population, with the possibility of applying the knowledge generated from these domains. We intend to improve our search routine by enabling a multi-user unit for high-tech equipment. INCT-Biomedicine (http://inct.cnpq.br/web/inct-ibisab) allowed the investment in high technology nuclei, with the incorporation of properly trained personnel to work with these devices and achieve the full potential of scientific production in the institution. The consolidation of international collaborations will lead us to master even deeper levels of research, reaching the molecular structure. To that end, mass spectrometry is a recommended method. The recent acquisition of the INCT-IBISAB mass spectrometer allows us to expand our research into proteomic studies, analysis of molecules with low atomic weight, discovery of new biomarkers, drugs and metabolic studies with high resolution, sensitivity and specificity. The interaction with Imperial College will make the research produced in the UFC be of general and current interest. These studies allow a better understanding of the aspects related to the intestinal permeation function, absorption, lesion and inflammation of the intestinal barrier, as well as metabolites associated with malnutrition and enteropathy. This initiative is important for the consolidation of the UFC’s interaction with Univ. of Liverpool in the study of the participation of inflammatory cells and their mediators in the phytopathological repercussions of pancreatitis caused by alcohol and bile acids. In addition, the interaction with the Queen Mary Univ. will give us the opportunity to establish new experimental models of laryngopharyngeal reflux disease. We will characterize the mechanisms and obtain new biomarkers involved in the pathobiology of the crural diaphragm in the gastroesophageal reflux, to develop new treatments, such as those obtained from natural products to improve the epithelial integrity of the esophagus, and to develop innovative approaches to improve deficiency. The scientific impact of this initiative includes repercussions in terms of research, human resources training, knowledge transfer and technology, which can guarantee us the opportunity to open new frontiers with the potential of new knowledge and application of perspectives for the society of Ceará and in the Brazilian Northeast.

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