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Universidade Federal do Ceará
PRPPG/UFC – Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação da Universidade Federal do Ceará

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Project 1. Health Technologies: actions and strategies for health promotion

This project will be developed by involving actions and strategies that promote individual, group and collective skills and capabilities to promote health and well-being. The main strategy is the use of technologies to improve health among individuals at different ages who need health care and education. Health promotion is the process of empowering people to increase control and improve their health; the main strategies include building public health policies, creating health-friendly environments, strengthening community health actions, developing personal skills and reorienting services in health. Scientific research has been instrumental in improving human health. Health technologies have been investigated by project members with a focus on the health of disadvantaged groups such as children with sleep behavior problems, who are at increased risk for obesity, depression and anxiety, as well as people with risk behavior, disabled people, cancer, HIV / AIDS, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease patients, and drug adherence. These subjects will be investigated interdisciplinary by the Graduate Program in Nursing and the Graduate Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences of UFC in partnership with the Graduate Program in Nursing of the University of British Columbia / Canada. All the highlighted topics show international relevance and priority for global strategies to improve people’s health. Considering the breadth of the study topics, it is important to incorporate a variety of research methods. The team aims to increase understanding and evidence-based best practice using randomized clinical trial, systematic reviews and methodological studies. These types of studies, in partnership with the University of British Columbia, will allow the transfer of knowledge and will have a significant impact on the proposed area. Canada is a leading country in Health Promotion and public health policies involving all aspects of health improvement and for this reason we have established the partnership. The main objective of this proposal is to develop studies and partnerships on health promotion focusing on the development of actions and strategies that promote individual, group and collective skills and capacities in health promotion, and the creation, validation and application of technologies for health assessment.

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