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Universidade Federal do Ceará
PRPPG/UFC – Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação da Universidade Federal do Ceará

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Project 2. Socio-environmental technologies and integrated methodologies in territorial sustainability: community alternatives to face weather changes

Society has always sought in nature the resources needed to meet its needs. However, without considering the natural limitations of the most fragile environments, this search has led to unprecedented forms of degradation. This situation is exacerbated by current climate changes, increasing the vulnerability of unassisted populations, as is the case in large areas of Brazil; especially on the coasts that are part of the Caatinga and Amazon biomes, which possess unique environmental characteristics and considerable social and environmental potential. In this perspective, the research intends to evaluate the vulnerability of communities to climate change scenarios, aiming at the elaboration of strategies that guarantee water, food and energy safety, as a territorial strategy for the sustainable use of natural resources, in addition to developing technologies and integrated actions of sustainability and governance, focusing on renewable energy projects, especially in the main cities of the regions selected for the study. The methodologies that will be developed integrate the areas of environmental, social and health sciences, in order to incorporate analytical methods that allow for a better understanding of the management systems of social and environmental resources and the diffusion of key territorial and urban policies in the face of climate change in the biomes in study. It is worth mentioning that the project meets the Sustainable Development Objectives of the UN Agenda 2030, focused on community analysis and diagnostics, with participatory methodologies and low-cost technologies adapted to the sustainability of local families and institutions. In this process, science is articulated to socio-educational practices of dissemination of research. The proposal has as international partners universities from the United States, England, France, New Zealand, Spain, Argentina, Mexico and Italy and has financial resources (consumption and capital) already approved by national and international development agencies.

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