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Universidade Federal do Ceará
PRPPG/UFC – Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação da Universidade Federal do Ceará

Área do conteúdo

Data Science and Complex Systems

The several research fronts in complex systems and data science involve teams working in graduate programs (GP) assessed by CAPES with grades 7,6 and 5. Important elements in this assessment, such as partnerships and international fundraising, are also present in the projects related to the themes. Besides the extreme academic and scientific relevance, also based on the high scientific level of the foreign team, the theme comprised several applications in accordance with socioeconomic challenges and strategic areas of public policies in the state of Ceará. A considerable share of the scientific staff already interacts in the elaboration of such policies. The projects continue very consolidated activities in the qualification of doctors and accomplishment of post-doctoral placements on the theme, followed by the renewal and internationalization of curriculums and teaching practices. In this sense, the projects are fundamental for the execution of UFC’s institutional internalization agenda. The research theme addresses since the modelling and simulation of dynamic processes and transport phenomena in complex systems to the applications of data science in several scientific-technological areas. Several problems, such as the planning and development of smart cities and the study of dynamical processes in complex networks, finance and neuroscience can be modelled on terms of existence of emergent behaviours in complex systems, such as self-organization, criticality and invariance of scale. The scope of areas represented by the theme suggests that the projects might move the participant GPs to a new level of interdisciplinary work. The connection between the theoretical aspects in complex systems and potential applications depends on elaborate techniques in science data, related to signal processing and machine learning. In this sense, another aspect of the projects is data mining about mobile communication networks, wireless communication networks, reservoirs and water distribution and electricity, soil humidity, logistics of agricultural production, among other databases. The practice of our researchers in the area, with American, German, Swedish and French teams have results in high-level publications, formal cooperation agreements, bilateral financial support and doctoral and post-doctoral qualification in strategic areas.

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